2013 | Sir Kay

Quick Facts

  • Name: Sir Kay

  • Year: 2013

  • Weight: 120 lbs

  • Programming Language: Labview

  • Status: In Storage

  • Game: Ultimate Ascent

  • Size: 26.75″ x 36.75″ x 60″

  • Competition History

    • Northern Lights Regional: Winner, Innovation in Control
    • Colorado Regional: Winner, Industrial Design
    • World Competition: Galileo Division finalists
  • Features

    • Drive Train
      • 6 wheel blue-nitrile West Coast drivetrain
      • High Gear 16 ft/s
      • Low Gear 3 ft/s
      • 8″x1″ IFI Traction Wheels 4wd Wide Base w/ Blue Nitrile
    • Shooter
      • Frisbee is gripped tight by wedgetop tread on IFI shooter wheel and compression of pool noodle foam on outer curve of shooter channel
      • Powered by two medium CIM motors
      • Output angle of shooter is lined up to 3 point goal when robot is flush to the feeder station
      • Frisbee runs along tracks to allow free flow of air under the frisbee
      • Visual Tracking Assistant (Not Override)
      • Hall effect sensor measures the period between flywheel revolutions
      • Vertical angle of shooter is adjusted by a lead screw powered by a window motor
      • Grayhill motor encoder allows for precise adjustment and presets
      • 3 presets for feeder station, mid-field, and pyramid
      • Manual control for slight adjustments
      • Adjusted by a custom two-speed bang-bang controller which allows us to reach presets with minimum oscillation.
    • Lifting Mechanism
      • Lifting mechanism powered by two pneumatic pistons
      • Two “isolated” air tanks dedicated to lifting ensure we can always lift even if we are out of air for shooting and shifting
      • Limit switch triggers to allow for automatic lifting
      • Driver simply holds a button and the robot will lift when the limit switch is triggered

Competition Rankings

Northern Lights Regional

Rank 3 of 48

Colorado Regional

Rank 4 of 48

Galileo Division

Rank 3 of 100

Season Challenges:

  • Finding the correct angle for launching the frisbees
  • A high center of gravity caused the robot to be very unbalanced, this cost us a few matches due to high speed driving.