2022 | Sir Morien

Quick Facts

  • Name: Sir Morien

  • Year: 2022

  • Weight: 125lb

  • Programming Language: Java

  • Status: Active

  • Game: Rapid React

  • Initial Size: 29″ x 29″ x 46″

  • Extended Size: 29″ x 29″ 71″

  • Competition History

    • Seven Rivers Regional: Industrial Design Award
    • 10,000 Lakes Regional
    • Minnesota State High School League FIRST State Robotics Championship
  • Features

    • Drivetrain
      • Cheezy Drive
      • 6 CIM West Coast Products
      • Six blue nitrile wheels
    • Intake
      • Retractable over-the-bumper intake
      • Grey Compliant Wheels with Mecanum wheels on sides of the intake
      • Driven by 1 775 Pro
    • Indexer
      • Poly-Carb Funnel
      • Surgical tubing and compliance wheels to lift balls
      • Driven by 1 775 Pro
      • Pneumatic cylinder to lift balls into flywheel
    • Shooter
      • 2 blue nitrile wheels for a flywheel
      • Double ramps for shooting out both sides
      • Driven by 1 falcon 500
    • Climber
      • Telescoping System
      • Driven by 1 falcon 500
      • Custom gearbox with ratcheting system
      • Spring-loaded hooks for holding on to bar

Competition Rankings

Seven Rivers Regional

Rank 19 of 46

10,000 Lakes Regional

Rank 7 of 55

Season Challenges:

  • Changed strategy from mid-goal shooter to high-goal mid-season
  • Calculating shot trajectory and necessary RPM
  • Utilizing limelight tracking