Quick Facts
Name: Uther Pendragon
Year: 2016
Weight: 120 lbs
Programming Language: Java
Status: Disassembled
Game: FIRST Stronghold
Initial Size: 36.5″ x 36.75″ x 60″
Extended Size: 37″ x 26″ x 12′
Competition History
- Central Illinois Regional: Entrepreneurship Winner
- Minnesota North Star Regional: Entrepreneurship Winner, Dean’s List Finalist (Katie Rapley)
Robot Features
- Drive Train
- Drop Center West Coast Drive
- 6 10″ Pneumatic
- High Gear: 19ft/s (Not Used)
- Low Gear: 9ft/s
- Defense Class A Manipulators
- Two Class 1 Levers
- Actuated by pneumatic cylinders
- Polycarb triangles lifted Portcullius and pushed down ramps on the Cheval De Frise
- Carriage has 2 pistons for releasing totes
- Intake
- PVC Rollers with Surgical Tubing belts powered by 1 775-Pro
- PVC lined with Wedgetop tread
- Flywheel Shooter
- Flywheel shooter powered by 2 775-Pros
- 2 8″ AndyMark rubber wheels as flywheels (2008 KOP wheels)
- PID Controller to verify speed sustainability.
- Changing flywheel speed to shoot from anywhere on the courtyard
- Hanger
- Elevator lift deployed steel hook to be winched
- Lift powered by AndyMark 9015 geared at 4:1
- Winch drum powered by MiniCIM geared at 64:1
- Custom ratchet made using a brass spring door hinge and VexPRO gear