Quick Facts
Name: Morgan Le Fay
Year: 2025
Weight: 98lbs (125lbs with bumpers & battery)
Programming Language: Java
Status: Competing
Game: Reefscape
Initial Size: 29.5″ x 29.5″ x 41.5″
Extended Size: 44″ x 29.5″ x 48″
Competition History
- Blue Twilight Week Zero
- Seven Rivers Regional
- Minnesota North Star Regional
- Swerve Drive
- Kraken x60 for driving, and turning
- SDS Mk4, L2 gear ratio
- 4″ Black Nitrile Tread Wheel
- 4″ Colson wheels for shooter
- Kraken motors to power it, with a 2:1 pulley ratio
- Kraken x60 with a 10:1 gearbox and a 2.25:1 sprocket ratio to pivot intake
- 2″ 60A compliance wheels for intake
- Kraken x60 motor with a 1.33:1 pulley ratio to power it
- 2″ 60A compliance wheels for indexer
- Kraken x60 motor with a 1:1 pulley ratio to power it
Reef Intake
- 4″ 35A compliance wheels for reef intake roller
- 1 Kraken x60 with a 1:1 pulley ratio to pivot arm
- 1 Neo 550 with a 1:1 pulley ratio to spin roller
- 2m Distance Sensor
- Used to determine the distance of algae from shooter
- Through Bore Encoders
- 3 are individually used to find the position of the climber, intake, and the reef intake
- Limelight 3
- to detect April Tag on the Barge to get more accurate shooting
- CANcoders
- Determines absoulte position of the swerve modules wheels
- LEDs
- Used to indicate when an algae has been intaked, or when the shooter fly wheel has been sufficiently revved

Competition Rankings
Seven Rivers Regional
Rank # of 51
Minnesota North Star Regional
Rank # of 48
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